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nonrestrictive, 53 with phrases with common
comma with, 49, 53 termination,
colon between, 47 54
comma between, 49 with questions, 51
coordinate, 31 with quotations, 51
dash, with restrictive modifiers, 50, 52
between, 58 with rhetorical adverbs, 54
around, 56 comparative degree of adjectives,
dependent, 92 in unit modifiers, 14
independent, 92 comparative degree of modifiers, 37, 38, 91
period after, 66 compare with, 39
relative, comparisons,
nonrestrictive, 4, 52 ambiguous, 37, 38
restrictive, 4 incomplete, 7, 38
semicolon between, 19, 48, 72 omission of standard of, 39
semicolon vs. period vs. comma after, compound nouns, hyphenation of, 61
73 compound predicates, 91
close style of punctuation, 44, 91 comma between, 49
collective subjects, 11, 91 compound verbs, hyphenation of, 62
colon, compound words,
after as follows, the following, 46 capitalization, 79
after complete sentences, 45, 47 hyphenation of, 61
after for example, that is, such as, 46 prefixes applied to, 61
between clauses, 47 temporary and permanent, 61
capitalization after, 47, 77 conciseness, 33
conventional uses of, 48 conjunctions, 92
emphasis and, 43 coordinate, 18, 32
functions of, 45, 91 coordinating, 18, 92
introducing equations, 47 correlative, 18, 92
introducing numbered lists, 46 subordinating, 17, 19, 94
introducing quotes, 47 conjunctive adverbs, 19, 32, 73, 92
use with other marks, 48 coordinate adjectives,
comma splice, 48 definition, 51, 92
comma, emphasis, 43
after introductory phrases and clauses, tests to determine, 51
49, 53 coordinate conjunctions. See conjunctions.
antithetical elements, 54 correlative conjunctions. See conjunctions.
between compound predicates, 49 countries, capitalization, 84
between coordinate adjectives, 43, 51 craft, names of,
between independent clauses, 48 capitalization, 89
conventional uses of, 55 italicized, 65
emphasis and, 43 dangling verbals. See gerunds, infinitives,
functions of, 48, 91 or participles.
in addresses, 55 dash. See also en dash.
Page 97
dash, formal writing, (continued):
around independent clause interrupting contractions in, 45
another, 57 dash and, 58
between clauses, 58 points of ellipsis, 69
conventional uses of, 58 semicolon in, 73
emphasis and, 43 fragment sentences, capitalization, 77
functions of, 92 from...to, 59
in displayed lists, 57 full caps, defined, 76, 92
use with other marks, 58 geographic features, captalization, 84
with appositives, 56 geographic names,
with nonrestrictive modifiers, 56 capitalization, 84
dates, comma in, 55
comma in, 55 geologic names, capitalization, 87
en dash between, 58 gerunds,
demonstrative pronouns. See pronouns. and active writing, 30
description (element of discourse), 8, 92 as subjects, 21
different, 40 dangling, 22, 25
discourse, elements of, 8 defined, 21, 92
elliptical constructions, grammar,
comma in, 51 defined, 92
semicolon in, 74 functional concept of, 1
em dash. See dash. headings, capitalization, 79
emphasis, headline style capitalization. See capitalization.
brevity and, 33 hedges, 28, 34
colon and, 43, 46, 47 homographs, hyphenating to avoid, 60
comma and, 43, 51 hyphen,
dash and, 43, 57, 58 functions of, 59, 92
dash vs. semicolon, 58 with prefixes, 60
italics for, 41, 63 with suffixes, 61
lists, 42 hyphenation,
on action, 28, 30 end of line, 59
parallelism and, 41 of compound words, 61
parentheses and, 57 of unit modifiers, 13, 62
positions of, 42, 58 idiom,
sentence inversion, 31 absolute participles, 22
en dash, gerund, 21
between dates, 59 infinitive, 21
between numbers, 59 prepositional, 16
functions of, 92 imperative mood, 92
in unit modifiers, 59 indicative mood, 92
enumerations. See lists. indirect constructions, 27
equations, indirect quotation, 47
capitalization of words in, 79 infinitive to, capitalization, 80
colon to introduce, 47 infinitives,
exposition, 7, 92 and active writing, 30
figure captions, dangling, 22, 25
capitalization, 79 defined, 21, 93
period after, 67 split, 16
figure labels, capitalization, 79 introductory phrases and clauses, 49, 53
first person pronouns, 4, 27 it, 27, 34
for, 52 italics,
for example, 46, 58, 74 conventional uses of, 64
foreign words, italicized, 65 for differentiation of words, 63
formal writing, for emphasis, 63
colon and, 47 for special terminology, 63
Page 98
italics, (continued): only, 15
for symbols, 64 open style of punctuation, 44, 48, 93
functions of, 63 or, appositional, 54
with punctuation, 65 parallelism, 93
with typefaces other than roman, 65 emphasis and, 41
jargon, quotation marks around, 71 when to use, 31
lists, with conjunctive adverbs, 18, 32
displayed, with coordinate conjunctions, 18, 32
capitalization, 78 with correlative conjunctions, 18
dash in, 57 with lists, 32
introduced by colon, 47 parentheses,
period in, 66 functions of, 65, 93
emphasis, 42 use with other marks, 66
numbered, participles,
capitalization, 78 absolute,
colon to introduce, 46 idiomatic, 22
parentheses in, 66 nonidiomatic, 23
parallelism, 32 and active writing, 30
misplaced modifiers, 15, 30, 42 dangling, 22, 23, 24
namely, 58, 74 defined, 21, 93
narration, 7, 93 pathetic fallacy, 29
nominative absolute, 93 period,
comma with, 55 after abbreviations, 67
confused with participle, 23 after figure captions, 67
nonrestrictive, conventional uses of, 67
appositives, 53 functions of, 66, 93
clauses, in displayed lists, 66
adverbial, 53 use with other marks, 68
relative, 5, 52 personal names,
modifiers, capitalization, 83
comma with, 50 comma in, 55
commas around, 52 personification, 29
dashes with, 56 phrases,
definition, 52, 93 adverbial, comma with, 50
phrases, with common termination, commas
comma with, 52 with, 54
nouns, 93 points of ellipsis,
cases, 1 capitalization after, 77
common, 91 functions of, 93
nominative case, 93 in quotes, 69
objective case, 93 use with other marks, 69
possessive case, 1, 93 possessive,
proper, 93 of inanimate nouns, 2
capitalization, 81 of pronouns, 3
common noun in, 82 of proper nouns, 2
derivatives of, 82 rules for forming, 2
plural in, 82 prefixes,
possessive, 1 applied to compound words, 61
the in, 83 hyphens with, 60
verb-derived, 27, 28 prepositions, 93
numbered lists. See lists. idiom, 16
numbers, repeating, 17, 21, 42
comma in, 55 terminal, 17
en dash between, 59 pronouns, 93
plural of, 44 antecedents, 3, 4, 5, 39
space to replace comma in, 55
Page 99
pronouns, (continued): semicolon,
demonstrative, 92 before conjunctive adverbs, 73
broad reference, 6, 27, 91 between clauses, 48, 73
incomplete comparison, 7, 38 functions of, 72, 94
first person, 3, 4, 27 in elliptical constructions, 74
personal, 93 in series, 73
possessive, 3 use with other marks, 74
relative, 94 vs. comma or period, 73
antecedents, 4, 5 sentence style capitalization. See capitalization.
which vs. that, 5 sequence of tenses, 8
who vs.whom, 6 serial comma, comma misread as, 56
third person, gender of, 4 series. See also lists.
proper nouns. See nouns. series,
punctuation, commas in, 49
close style, 44 semicolon in, 73
functional concept of, 44 sexist language, 4
open style, 44, 48 since, 19
question mark, slang, quotation marks around, 71
after direct questions, 69, 70 slash, correct uses for, 75, 94
functions of, 69, 93 solidus. See slash.
use with other marks, 70 split infinitives, 16
questions, subjects, 94
comma with, 51 collective, 11
direct, question mark after, 69 relationship with verbs, 30
indirect, 70, 78, 93 strong, 26 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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