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Windrush's power faded in intensity. With considerable effort, he drew
himself painfully back into the ordinary form of his kuutekka.
The ghostly light that the Watcher had cast over the scene of the battle was
The darkness was gone. The lines of fire that had encircled his brother were
gone. But FullSky was still etched in light, glowing against the far side of
the cavern. My brother, thank you, whispered the dragon of light. He no
longer seemed paralyzed or crippled, not here in the underrealm at least.
FullSky rose from the stone floor and floated toward Windrush.
The far wall was visible through him. I can join you now in the battle.
Can you escape? Windrush asked, barely able to speak.
Not in the outer world. My body will never leave Tar,skel's dungeon.
But here in the underrealm, I will fight as I can. You may not see me again,
but we will be struggling together, and we will be together again in the Final
Dream Mountain. The glowing being that was his brother seemed to breathe upon
him then, to touch him with its light.
Windrush shivered as a thousand images cascaded into his thoughts from
FullSky's mind, then disappeared into his unconscious like a basket of stones
dropped into a pool. He shivered, unable to make any sense of the images; but
he knew he would need them before this struggle was over. He felt FullSky
draw away.
You must flee now.
Windrush struggled for breath. FullSky, wait!
There is no time. You must flee, before you are found. The dragon of light
that was his brother drew back across the abyss and gazed at him just once
more, before fading away through the cavern wall. The cavern suddenly seemed
very empty, except for the glowering abyss of spirits. And from that chasm,
Windrush heard a rising murmur, like a rushing of wings, the sounds of spirits
freed, flying away through the
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underrealm to whatever Final Dream Mountain awaited them.
He suddenly realized that he had prevailed not just for his brother, but for
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all of those others, whoever they were. He had a feeling that they were about
to erupt before him like flames from a forest fire.
You must flee now.
A deep thrumming sound was growing to fill the cavern, a rumbling from some
distant place. A hot wind seemed to be rising, blowing in his face.
Something or someone was coming to investigate the source of the disturbance
in the underrealm.
Windrush departed with the speed of thought his kuutekka shrinking to a tiny
spark of light, bright b@t fleeting in the gloom of the passageway as he fled
from that place forever.
Chapter 23
VOICES IN THE WILDERNESS AGAIN SHE heard someone calling her name ...
Jayyyl ... Jayyylllll ... Jayyyllll ...
There was something very familiar about that voice, but she couldn't quite
awaken enough to make the connection.
She was in an ocean, swimming, struggling toward the surface ...
jayyll, awwwk-are you there? Wake up, Jayl!
The dancing-mirror surface drew near, at last. She strained, kicked, lungs
burning bursting struggling not to expire, reaching up, arms and fingers
stretching ...
She touched the surface and it shattered in liquid silence.
The boundary opened then, and a cacophony of sound exploded. A
parrot was screaming, hurling itself back and forth in a damaged rigger-net,
trying to bite and claw its way out. E d ... Ed ... its name was Ed.
She suddenly remembered ...
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