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major personalities; including Johannes Blackboots himself and numerous
members of the Collegium, were there. He saw Grade Drocker, of course, and
some of the most senior commanders of the Patriarchal States and of the Grail
Empire. Representatives of the Five Families were present as well, including
Rogoz Sayag.
Else did not see Pinkus Ghort. Of course. He had left Ghort on the street,
as unaware of this gathering as he had btien himself. But if Piper Hecht
belonged here, so did Pinkus Ghort. Ghort would be closer to what was going
Bechter led him to a seat on the left side of the room. So. His presence was
not exalted.
A servant brought tea, a luxury Else had enjoyed only a few times before,
long ago in al-Qarn.
Ferris Renfrow watched, apparently amused. But the man did not interrupt his
Renfrow talked about Calzir as though he had been there.
This was a dangerous man. How well did He know
Dreanger? How much time had he spent in the HolV Lands,
amongst the Wells of Ihrian? 1
Ferris Renfrow was a compelling speaker. He brought Calzir to life. He made
it sound like a desert in the making, except for scattered olive groves,
orange groves, and vineyards. The rest of the country supported sheep and
goats. And fishing villages wherever mere was an excuse for a harbor.
"A handful of noble and wealthy families control the best land. Which
reflects a reality that obtains throughout Firaldia. The political landscape
is similar, too. Calzir consists of a dozen principalities, none of which
acknowledge the Mafti al-Araj el-Arak, and some more names, at al-Khazen. The
Mafti is about as relevant as Immaculate II at Viscesment Depending on factors
involving conflicts between different visions of the Praman faith, the
principalities recognize either the Kaif of Qasr al-Zed or the Kaif of
al-Minphet as their proper spiritual leader. In practical terms, the kaifates
have no more control than el-Arak. Neither kaif receives any revenue. This
large island part of Calzir, Shippen, has silver and copper mines that have
been in production since before men started keeping histories. Wheat is the
island's great agricultural product It's been an exporter forever. It also
produces fruits, olives, and sheep. Fishing is important, but not the way it
is on the mainland.
"The inland parts of the island are wild. Nor have the population all gone
Page 195
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
over to the Unbeliever. A third of the populace are still Chaldarean, even in
the main towns though mainly Eastern Rite. In the deep wilderness, there're
still some practicing pagans."
Never saying so, Ferris Renfrow made it plain that Hansel had had his eye on
Calzir for a long time.
That made Else wonder if Johannes had engineered the Calziran piracy,
through Starkden and Masant el-Seyhan.
Hours later, after hearing more than he ever wanted to know about the
topography, geography, economy, and people of Calzir, Else finally found out
why he had been brought in.
He got the news during the afternoon meal break.
He started out eating alone. He did not want to attract attention by pushing
into one of the circles of his betters. Redfearn Bechter approached him.
"Drocker needs to see you, Captain."
Else lifted an eyebrow. "What's up?"
"He figures you're probably curious about why you're here."
"Other than just because I was told to show up? The man is smarter than he
"Bring your chow. This'U be a working lunch."
"All right." Else gathered his food and drink.
"Need a hand? Looks like you took some of everything, then went back for
"I got while the getting was good. You'd understand if you ate where I
usually do."
Bechter guided Else into a small room. A dozen men had their heads together
there. Else recognized Grade Drocker, Ferris Renfrew, Divino Bruglioni, and
Bronte Doneto. He pulled himself together. This could be bad.
Principate' Doneto said, "You don't need to feel like a cor
nered stag, Hecht It's good news." j
"Your Grace?'
"You've impressed quite a few people this past y^ar. These folks all have
good things to say about you." Chuckle. "There's that look again. I'll just
get to it We've decided to make you commander of the city regiment for the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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