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the time comes, love or no love, the decision will be up to you. I won t ask you to stay.
It was what she needed to hear although somehow the words managed to hurt her heart a tiny bit.
He d made the promise easily enough and she should be grateful. He understood where she came
from and where she was going. This time in Harper could be a pleasant interlude for both of them.
She slid her hands up his chest and around his neck, pulling him down for their first kiss. Her
palms were sweating and her heart was galloping as arousal flew through her veins and fizzed in her
abdomen. She d been fantasizing about this moment for days and it was here.
Nothing prepared her for the first touch of his lips. She felt the heat crackle between them, his
mouth pressed to hers. His tongue demanded entry and she opened to his exploration eagerly,
consumed by sensation. Seth s kiss wasn t tentative in the least. The kiss was like Seth himself,
confident and controlled. Her fingers gripped his shoulders and she lost herself in the taste of him.
He was a mixture of coffee and something spicy and she couldn t get enough, instantly addicted to his
She was so immersed in the kiss she was dumbfounded when he threw her to the ground, covering
her body with his and pushing the breath from her body. He was heavy and she struggled to breathe,
but he held her down easily, his strength far superior.
 Stay still, he commanded.
 What in the hell, she hissed but then heard loud popping noises not far away. She immediately
froze, holding her breath until the sounds stopped. He lifted himself up slowly, pressing her shoulder
down with his hand and looking around cautiously.
He held a finger up to his lips and shook his head. She nodded in understanding. She d stay quiet
while he investigated. He crawled on his hands and knees a few feet away so he could see beyond
the hay bales. When he came back, he helped her sit up.
 Let s get you in the barn where there are more people. He kept his voice soft but the thread of
steel was instantly recognizable. Suddenly, it became clear as to why Evan had trusted Seth to
protect her. His eyes were narrow and hard, his expression cold and calculating, and every muscle in
his body on alert. He was in warrior mode. Just that quickly, her passionate lover had turned into a
He lifted her to her feet and quickly hustled her into the barn area. He was looking side to side,
his arm still around her, holding her close to him. She leaned into his strength, happy to allow him to
be in charge at this moment.
 I m going to check out the noise we heard. He looked over her head and then nodded, turning
her around and navigating her through the crowd until they were next to Alex and Eliza.  Stay here
for a few minutes while I take a look around. Don t move, understand?
He was gone in a second. Eliza and Alex were looking at her with their mouths hanging open. It
must have sounded strange to hear Seth talking to her in that way, but it couldn t be helped. She
certainly couldn t tell them he was only trying to protect her because someone wanted her dead. She
tried to joke it away.
 He s so protective, you d think I didn t have a lick of sense. She laughed and their expressions
relaxed slightly.
Alex frowned.  Where is he going?
Presley licked her dry lips, tasting a trace of Seth still lingering there.  We heard noises that
sounded like gunfire. Seth went to check it out.
Alex rolled his eyes.  Probably a bunch of cowboys who had too much to drink tonight. Seth
will be rounding them up to sleep it off in the county jail.
Presley hoped it was exactly as Alex described. She didn t want to think she d been found.
 Can I get you something to drink? Alex asked.
Presley dragged her gaze away from where Seth had disappeared and nodded.  Thank you, that
would be great. A root beer?
Alex headed to fetch her drink, but Eliza had a shrewd expression on her face.  What s going
on? I ve never seen Seth so riled up about gunfire before. Heck, every home in this county owns at
least one gun. Something is going on.
Presley tried to appear relaxed.  The gunfire was too close. Someone could have been hurt, or
even killed. You know how Seth is about the safety of his town.
 I guess, Eliza conceded.  He seemed very worried about you. His face went pale. I ve never
seen him like that before. Eliza s face lit up.  Oh! I m such an idiot. You and Seth. It s perfect.
With her lips still swollen from his kiss, it would be stupid to deny it. She didn t like lying
anyway.  Are you really okay with it? Presley chewed her lip.  I didn t plan this, it s just& 
Eliza waggled her eyebrows.  It s just there s sexual chemistry between you. If I had been
paying attention I would have seen it at the diner that first day. I m fine with it. You re just what Seth
needs, someone to jerk him out of his comfortable routine.
She didn t have time to respond before Alex returned with her root beer. They were all chatting
when Seth strode back into the room with an angry expression.
 It was a bunch of drunk as skunk cowboys from the Perry ranch blowing off steam way too close
to the barn. They could have killed somebody. I ve got Hank rounding them up but I need to help [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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