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savior’s heart. Keenan stared at him and then rolled out of the way at the last moment.
She breathed a sigh of relief when he grabbed his sword. He dodged the tail again and
stood to face Sebastian. Her master waved his hand again, but this time Keenan kept his
Devil’s Tavern: Invitation
“Your magic won’t work on me this time, demon. I have the strength of the angels
behind me. We will see you dead.” Keenan held his sword high. Blue light enveloped
the blade. He brought it down in an arc and sliced through one of Sebastian’s wings.
The demon screamed in pain while the wing flopped helplessly on the floor. He
roared and lunged at Keenan. The Demon Catcher dodged out of the way, but not
before Sebastian’s nails raked his chest. He cried out in pain. Emera pulled against the
bindings hoping they would loosen. The energy around the sword flashed a sapphire
blue when Keenan lunged at Sebastian’s heart, but the edge only grazed him. He picked
up the sofa and threw it at him. Keenan dodged out of the way. It gave Sebastian
enough time to grab a hold of her hair and yank it back. The cold tip of a dagger
pressed against her throat. He pushed it against her flesh and it stung. The dagger was
made from the same metal that the cuffs were. Where it touched her exposed wound, it
began to burn.
“Stop now or this pretty angel dies. You don’t want that to happen do you,
Crymsyn Hart
Chapter Ten
His eyes widened.
“Oh yes. I know who you are. You couldn’t hide who you were under the Demon
Catcher moniker. So the angels gave you another chance. How about that? I didn’t see
that coming. I guess I can’t be all knowing. It’s a shame they didn’t tell you that no
matter what you do, you can never save her. She can never be allowed back into
Heaven. Once they fall, angels aren’t granted a second chance. Her essence is tainted.
I’m sure that your handler told you that she has to be recycled.”
He glanced at his angel and saw tears streaming down her cheeks. It infuriated him
to witness her trapped against the rack. She was hurt and bleeding. All he wanted to do
was take her in his arms and soothe her hurt. Sebastian will pay for what he’s saying to her.
The light of hope can’t go out inside her. “Don’t listen to him, Em. He’s lying. I found you
after all this time. I won’t abandon you. You won’t be recycled. I swear it. I won’t let
anyone take you away from me.” He implored her with his eyes and sent his love to her
so that it would sustain her spirit. If she lost her hope and the demon took over, then
she would be lost. I’ll never abandon you.
She smiled. His love bolstered her soul. She would not let the demon inside claim
her. “Do what you want to me, Sebastian. From this moment on, I quit.” She spit in his
Sebastian scowled, but then his expression turned to one of surprise. “Quit? No one
quits on me.”
Keenan plunged his sword through Sebastian’s chest. The demon dropped the
Devil’s Tavern: Invitation
dagger and released Emera. He spun around trying to grasp the blade, but Keenan
twisted the sword through his heart making sure it was shredded. Foul blood splattered
onto his face. He wiped it away. At that moment, Sebastian’s body ignited in blue
flames. Keenan was thrown backward against the wall. It took him a moment to get his
bearings. He got to his feet and watched the demon. He stumbled around the room and
fell to his knees before the rack. Sebastian reached toward Emera. She cringed away
from him the best she could. The demon let out one last ear-splitting shriek. His body
began to melt into a pool of black sludge. The flames engulfed him. The dark smoke
filled the room and made it hard to see. Emera coughed from the thickness of the
smoke. Soon the fire vanished. His remains were completely gone and Keenan’s sword
fell to the floor. Keenan retrieved his weapon and placed it back in its scabbard. He then
began the task of freeing Emera.
Once she was free, she tried to stand, but her wounds were too great. He supported
her and hugged her close amazed that she was in his arms. After so many centuries, she
was free of the demon’s hold. And now she was his. He pressed his lips to her sweet
ones. Her pain impacted him and nearly made him stagger. Sebastian had done some
damage to his beloved. It was one of his abilities to heal if he needed. He wrapped his
power around Emera and drew on the power he had. The blue light encompassed the
both of them. He pushed that power along all of her wounds, deep inside of her, willing
the slashes to close. It took him a few minutes, but soon he felt that her wounds were
closing and nothing would mar her perfect flesh. Kissing her the taste of honey clung to
her mouth and he wondered if she was really made of it. He yearned to whisk her away
and make sweet love to her once more. However, he knew that he couldn’t run from his
handler. Eventually they would be found. And he couldn’t turn his back on his duty.
He had promised his handler that he wouldn’t do that.
“Can you stand now? All your wounds should be healed.”
She nodded and squeezed her arms around his neck more. He ran his hand through
her hair to feel the soft strands. “I-I think so. Why would you do that? I don’t deserve to
be healed.”
Crymsyn Hart
“Enough. You certainly deserve to be healed. No more talk like that okay. One
more thing.” He passed his hand over her body. The red blood that covered her pale
flesh began to disappear until she was pristine once more.
Keenan didn’t want to have her soft body be away from his, but he reluctantly let
her go. A triumphant smile painted his lips. Because she was naked and perfect he
yearned to ravish her right there, he snapped his fingers, better to cover up the
temptation. She was dressed again in a white dress that hugged her shapely figure. No
more of Sebastian’s handiwork marked her skin.
“Thanks for the dress. However I don’t know if white is the best color for me. How
did you know he had taken me captive?” Emera asked. “I thought that I was going to
be stuck in hell forever.”
Keenan brushed his lips over her fingers. “I have friends here and there. I told you
that I would never lose you.”
“Oh please, don’t let me interrupt. He’s being modest, babe. I was the one who told
him that Sebastian was being a complete ass and had strapped you to the rack.” [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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