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|125| |145| |165| |185| |205| |225|
|/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\|
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
|\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/|
|135| |155| |175| |195| |215| |235|
|sag| |vir| |tau| |aqu| |sco| |can|
| | | |
|| ||
|| ||
| | | |
|sag| |leo| |tau| |aqu| |lib| |can|
|245| |265| |285| |305| |325| |345|
|/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\| |/+\|
240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360
|\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/| |\-/|
|255| |275| |295| |315| |335| |355|
|ari| |cap| |vir| |gem| |pis| |sco|
| | | |
|| ||
The elemental aspects of the planets in these decanates and pentades and also in the
broader scope of the signs relative to their meridian cusps at multiples of thirty, with the mid-
points between them at multiples of fifteen, in alternating positive and negative amplitudes, to
wit Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius are in the plus column, whereas Tau-
rus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces are in the minus column, this duality and
triplicity of the planetary forces to Earth pertain to the nature or quality of the elements by the
planets who exert these elemental forces upon the Earth.
For example, a planet in the midst of Pisces translates into the maximum amplitude of that
sign s element along with that planet s sidereal modality. Furthermore, this chromatically-
transposed modality is being modulated in the elemental triplicity of the sign s decans & pen-
tads. Thus if Jupiter is found centered in the sign of Pisces, then Jupiter is ruling therein with
Jupiter s expansive Lydian modality accentuating the reign of Cancer, Virgo, and Libra in the
key of B at maximum amplitude which is in the minus column of Jupiter s duality  cf. the
 plus column of Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius by radial velocity:
128 Chapter 12
Pisces - B Lydian | Sagittarius - Ab Lydian
EMPEROR-Jupiter-Six of Cups |EMPEROR-Jupiter-Six of Wands
Bb B Db Eb F Gb Ab | Bb C D Eb F G Ab
IVi Vio ROr OYe Gre GBl BIn | IVi Red Ora OYe Gre Blu BIn
Aqu Pis Tau Can Vir Lib Sag | Aqu Ari Gem Can Vir Sco Sag
Mar Jup Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun | Sat Moo Mer Ven Sun Mar Jup
R R R R | R R R R
1st decan/destructive water | 1st decan/destructive fire
pisces/violet/b | sagittarius/blue-indigo/ab
minus/plus | plus/minus
vii i ii iii iv v vi | ii iii iv v vi vii i
bb b db eb f gb ab | bb c d eb f g ab
ivi vio ror oye gre gbl bin | ivi red ora oye gre blu bin
aqu pis tau can vir lib sag | aqu ari gem can vir sco sag
mar jup sat moo mer ven sun | sat moo mer ven sun mar jup
r r r r | r r r r
second decan/creative water| second decan/creative fire
cancer/orange-yellow/eb | aries/red/c
plus/minus | minus/plus
v vi vii i ii iii iv | vii i ii iii iv v vi
bb c d eb f g a | b c d e gb g a
ivi red ora oye gre blu ind | vio red ora yel gbl blu ind
aqu ari gem can vir sco cap | pis ari gem leo lib sco cap
ven sun mar jup sat moo mer | mar jup sat moo mer ven sun
e e d | f
third decan/sustenant water| third decan/sustenant fire
scorpio/blue/g | leo/yellow/e
minus/plus | plus/minus
iii iv v vi vii i ii | iv v vi vii i ii iii
b db d e gb g a | bb b db eb e gb ab
vio ror ora yel gbl blu ind | ivi vio ror oye yel gbl bin
pis tau gem leo lib sco cap | aqu pis tau can leo lib sag
moo mer ven sun mar jup sat | mer ven sun mar jup sat moo
r f r | e e d e
Thus Jupiter in Pisces second decan is adding the major third of cancer above its tonic B,
which is the Eb exalting Jupiter therein with the Sun in aries. Essentially, the rudimentary
overtones & harmonic series are layered as subtones on top of the dominant and fundamental
sign in which the planet s mode is being transposed. The use of lower-case names for the de-
cans of the elemental triplicities are used to distinguish them from whole signs of the zodiac &
respective whole elemental triplicities.
Min s Planetary Awareness Technique 129
For those who ve already read my Tarot Manual and Light & Sound, then you ll recognize
these musical principles of the planets & signs as being somewhat redundant  but this is not
really the case. Now we re taking this know- ledge and applying it in real-world terms of horo-
scopes and their astrological portents, as understood by sound and color. This is the veritable
synthesis of astrology with the psyche, personality, karma and dharma, ourself in sidereal
modes transposed in signs, decans & pentads.
Acoustical physics, the production, transmission, absor- ption, reflection, control, effect
and general behavior of audible and inaudible sound is a science all its own. As human beings,
especially those with an ear for music of whatever genre you like, we know what sounds good
to our ears  and conversely what doesn t. Whether occuring in nature or manmade, most of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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