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The creation of a pandemic will result in the implementation of a government mandated mass
compulsory vaccination programs in the United States, and could lead to the death not only of
hundreds of millions of Americans but billions of people around the world leaving a large
proportion of the world s natural resources and other assets in the hands of the  Illuminati.
I allege that this is part of a long term plan by the syndicate, who have built large numbers of
FEMA concentration camps with incinerators and prepared mass graves in states such as Indiana
and in New York to quarantine people and dispose of the bodies of the people who are killed by
the bioweapons attack.
XXIV. Evidence as to the existence of the  Illuminati
There is evidence that the  Illuminati are the inner core of the international crime syndicate
planning genocide by means of an artificial virus. Memembers of the Illuminati include the Queen
Beatrix of The Netherlands, David de Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller. The
Illuminati is a secret organization to overthrow the rule of all soveriegn nations and gain
domination over the world s poltiical and economic systems.
The Illuminati leadership is in the hands of a few families or groups, who like the mafia, pass the
 Knowledge on from generation to generation, protecting their activities by a code of silence or
Omerta towards outsiders as well as by the use of occult symbols.
The Illuminati operate through secret socieities such as the freemasons as well as through
organisations such as the Bilderbergs, Trilateral Commission and Council of Foreign Relations.
The world s first truly global crime syndidcate, they base themselves in off shore banking centers
and employ international organisations such as the UN and WHO.
The Illuminati s interactions with politics are dominated by expediency. Their aim is to use their
money to get their candidates elected to implement legislation to achieve as total a control over
the country s economy as possible in order to maximise the private profits flowing to the
Illuminati banks whether through  bailouts or through wars generating debts for which they can
earn interest.
The Illuminati is distinguished by a strong anti human ideology, a conviction they belong to a
superior  Bloodline and fascination for the Occult and rituals. The Illuminati believe there will
be massive changes in the earth s geomagentic sphere in 2012 and are anxious to surive what they
perceive as a time of upheaval by decimating the world s population rapidly, so leaving them
more of the earth s natural resources to use.
Because the Illuminati fund and control the western mainstream media, their existence is air-
brushed out of the news as are any information that would give the general public an insight into
their criminal activities, including the manipulation of financial stocks and oil prices as wel as
their plans to commit genocide using artificially engineered viruses and vaccines containing
However, sometimes a glimpse of the Illuminati and their plans can be found in the mainstream
For example, the UK Telegraph ran a 'fictional'  slideshow story about a series of nuclear attacks
and the formation of a foreign-controlled, totalitarian government, called the UNA, after the
dismantlement of the United States complete with scenes of vaccinations and chip implants called
Black Jack this winter, which was replete with Illuminati Occult symbols.
There were five parts that were presented in the Culture secion without comment on consecutive
The slide show story Blackjack was discussed in the media, also at www.infowars.com.
 Operation Blackjack: The Story of Terrorist Nuclear Attacks on Major Western Cities
January 13, 2009
This little curiosity comes to us from the Telegraph s Culture Picture Galleries section.
As of now, there s an entry called: Operation Blackjack: The Story of Terrorist Nuclear Attacks on
Major Western Cities.
On the page, we read: Blackjack - A slide show story. The events portrayed in this slide show are
entirely fictitious.
There is no author listed.
I didn t spend too much time gazing at the chicken entrails, but there were a few howlers that
were too good to pass up:
Remember the Kingstar (controlled demolition company) van near the exploded bus on the 7/7
London bomings? That s what came to mind for me.
Also, the  fictitious attack occurs during the Summer solstice. What s the name on the side of the
van? New Dawn Presentations. And its logo? That s right, the Sun.
The sun Logo on the van is notably similar to that for the  Black Sun (notorious Nazi occultic
symbol), as it is depicted in the following Black Sun-themed page, for example&
And the  New Dawn&  company name on the van of course has the Luciferian/Venus-theme,
coupled with Obama/Inauguration reference,  all over it .
The name  Blackjack here presumably derives from the game, which is also known as Twenty-
one (the featured date).
There is a green snake on the van in Toronto.
The numerical dates featured in the story - 21st & 22nd - are the same as those mentioned by
Colin Powell for the soon coming  Event in the present month (January).
Symbolism: June 22nd. 22 from June 22nd. is a double 11. The time is 8:03:27, 8+0+3 from 8:03
is 11, and from the seconds 27, you have 2+7=9, so you have an 11:9, or a 9-11. Also if you take
the 22 from June 22nd, you have a double 11, and you get a third 11 from 8:03 (8+3=11). So you
have 3 11s, and in numerology, when you take a number 3 times over, you give it the highest
power of that number.
Also in Part 5 The symbols and dates and numbers, codes used are intestersting. Date on the Press
Representative ID card is 09-11-11.
The Operation to take over the USA by means of false flag operations is called Teardrop and the
teardrop is a stylised visual element used in ancient Egyptian art to depict the peregrine falcon.
In Part 5 of the Black Jack there is series of numbers on a slide whose code can be broken using
a hexadecimal string to read  this is not simply entertainment.
If you type in this number
(74686973206973206e6f742073696d706c7920656e7465727461696e6d656e74) from the ID card
into a HEXADECIMAL to STRING converter, then you get the following message:
 this is not simply entertainment
XXV. Evidence of the Illuminati s involvement in the current collapse of the world s financial
There is evidence that the international corporate crime syndicate, which controls the western
world s banking system, deliberately crashed the economy to achieve certain objectives, including
a new world government with the World Health Organisation as a new world health agency.
Former New York Governor Elliot Spitzer has only spoken of accounting fraud and the bailout as
a pretext to transfer money from the taxpayers to banks controlled by the Illuminati.
 Spitzer had some pointed criticism for the way the Obama administration has been handling the
bank bailouts. When Spitzer was attorney general of New York, he prosecuted AIG and other Wall
Street banks, and Maddow asked him if he saw a connection between those prosecutions and what [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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