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has a spirit that reaches through time to wreak vengeance. What are we to do?'
Some time later, after I had bound up both men's wounds and we had taken some
wine to fortify ourselves, Van Helsing told us what had happened.
'I undressed for bed, then sat at the table to study my books. I was not
sleepy so I
intended to work into the early hours. But as I read I begin to feel strange;
the lamp seems dim and I cannot focus on the words. I have a hallucination
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that the inside of my skull is a great, dark room, and that a voice is
whispering in the darkness. I feel a fluttering like bats' wings, soft and
intrusive, most unpleasant, but I cannot shake it off
And then I feel ... I cannot describe it. I feel him come into this room,
which is also my mind.' 'Dracula?' I asked. He nodded. 'Are you sure?' 'I know
that malevolent will all too well!' Van Helsing said hoarsely. 'It could be no
other. There is only one like him, with such an evil, primitive, arrogant
spirit. He possessed me. I was still myself and yet I knew
I was him -' 'Yes,' Jonathan put in. 'That's how it was with me!' 'Our two
spirits immediately begin to war against each other. I fight to drive him out.
He laughs at me.
"Now you know the extent of my power," he says. "It is limitless. I can do
worse than haunt you; I can control you. If I can order your actions,
strongest of my enemies, how easily then can I possess those around you! Your
good comrades, your sweet womenfolk
I can make do anything. And you will never know where I am or who to trust!"'
Helsing slumped. 'Well, I fight him with all my might. I must have seemed a
madman, reeling around the room, shouting to myself- for the damage I cause,
please forgive me
 but I could not make him leave. Then it seemed to me that the only way to
force him out was to harm my own body. I got the knife from among my
belongings and that was when Jonathan entered. I begged you to stay away,
knowing Dracula would try to harm you. He wanted to kill you, my friend!'
Shuddering, I leaned my head against my husband's. Van Helsing went on, 'I
cannot begin to express my horror at what I was forced to do. I cannot ask you
to forgive me. At last I knew that the only way to make him stop was to kill
myself, to stake my own heart.
That is what I tried to do. But the moment I pierced the skin, Dracula fled my
body.' He was quiet for a moment, then groaned.
'Mijn God, how are we to fight this? To banish him physically from the house
was one thing - but to keep him from our very minds -!
Must we destroy ourselves to destroy him?'
To see Van Helsing brought so low distressed me unutterably. I did my best to
comfort and cheer the men, and they rallied, but my heart was not in it.
Jonathan's right arm is very badly injured. The knife has severed some nerves
and tendons in his forearm, and he can barely move the hand. Van Helsing said
it is possible the damage may never heal. He wept with remorse for having
inflicted the injury, but
Jonathan spoke stoically though he was white with shock. 'It was not you who
did this, Professor. It was he, our enemy, Dracula.'
How extraordinary that Elena and Quincey should have slept through it! But
what a
mercy that they did!
6 November
Jonathan and Van Helsing are resting. We have had to tell Mary and the others
Jonathan slipped and cut his arm; I wish they would not fuss so! An atmosphere
of oppression seems to lie on the whole house and nothing will dispel it. We
look upon each other with suspicion, watching for the slightest sign of - what
can I call it? Possession, infection. What a terrible feeling it is to trust
no one, and not to be fully trusted! Surely, the last time, even in our
deepest horror, we never lost faith in one another - even when I
came so nearly into Dracula's power.
But I will write no more of it now. It may be over already, for all we know, a
brief aberration of the spirit world. How pleasant it will be to spend the
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afternoon alone with
Quincey and Elena. My task in reassuring them that all is normal will surely
refresh my own spirit.
We are quite a houseful of invalids now! Elena is the only fit one among us!
Quincey is still the same, out of bed but listless and easily tired. Every
time he succumbs to an illness, I fear it may be his last. Thank goodness
Elena is so calm and happy! It steadies us all. Her eyes sparkle and her
cheeks glow - almost as if she had a secret suitor, though I am certain she
has not! I think it is simply her naturally sweet disposition shining through.
We have given in to Van Helsing's wishes, and summoned Dr Seward and Lord
Godalming. Our little army will be together again (with, of course, the sad
exception of
Mr Morris). I feel saddened, yet somewhat reassured by this. We are no longer
facing this alone, but with people who understand.
I have such a strange feeling today. It is as if the menace that plagued our
dreams and minds is quite gone, yet . . . Oh, enough of trying to comprehend
these moods!
7 November
They are here - without their wives, since we do not know what danger is to be
(For myself, I do not wish to be protected but to stand alongside them. It is [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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