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death. He was to blame for giving in to temptation, for arrogantly tossing Elena aside and for pursuing
Bazhena like a dog in heat. Granted she was a vampire and had seduced him with her powers, but his
love for Elena should have been stronger.
He should have been stronger.
But he hadn t been. He had been weak. And Elena had been viciously murdered because of that
weakness, because he had been unable to control himself.
Never again.
Christian had made a vow to himself after he and Vlad met. He would never let himself get out of control
again. He would be the master of his own fate. He would decide when and where. No one else. Only
him. And he would control the monster inside him with everything he had. Never again would he lose
himself to the power of his emotions.
Christian s thoughts came crashing back to the present again when Alyssa s eyes fluttered open. He
stared into her crystal blue gaze and was lost. All his vows and promises drifted away like a soft breeze
on a warm summer night. Whatever it was that made him feel this way, it was done. Choice was
nonexistent. She was his now, whether she realized it or not. And no one was going to take her away
from him. Ever.
* * * * *
Alyssa woke to find herself staring into Christian s beautiful eyes. The look on his face took her breath
away. It was hot with desire and intense with possession. She lost herself in the power of his gaze. Her
body tingled with awareness, her heartbeat sped out of control and her breath grew short. She tried to
breathe deeply to calm herself, but the sexy, dangerous scent of him drifted seductively in the air,
enflaming her further.
Then another odor intruded. It was strong and overwhelming. Blood. She smelled blood. Her memory
came crashing back. Nausea swept over her. Her stomach rolled in protest as images filled her head.
Alyssa bolted upright. Until her face was inches from Christian s. She grabbed his shoulders. Frantically
she looked around the room.
 Tom? Where s Tom? We have to get some help. Bazhena attacked him. He s bleeding and I 
Christian s face darkened with anger, but he laid a finger gently against Alyssa s lips to quiet her.
 He s fine, he assured her through clenched teeth.
Alyssa wasn t convinced. She saw the way Tom had looked before she passed out.
 Are you sure? Tom had been in grave danger from too much blood loss. She needed to know he
would be okay, that his fate would not be the same as her mother s.
 He s lost a lot of blood, Christian. I think he needs to go to a hospital.
Alyssa noticed Christian s face grow tight and tense.
 Tom will be fine, Alyssa. I have taken care of his wound and his lost blood has been replenished.
Alyssa let go of Christian s shoulders and then sagged with relief. Tom was fine. He would be okay. His
blood loss had been taken care of. Replenished. Alyssa felt tense again. Exactly what had Christian done
to Tom?
 Replenished? What do you mean replenished? How did you ?
Christian s face exploded with emotion. The anger in his eyes made her shrink back against the couch.
She had never seen him this way. So furious, his feelings emanated in waves from him. Each one struck
her like a blow. Battering her emotionally rather than physically.
 Enough! I don t want to talk about your lover right now. Christian growled deep in his throat and his
eyes began to glow. Alyssa s eyes widened in fear as she saw his sharp teeth elongate before her eyes.
 I want to talk about the danger you re in. You will come with me now. I need to keep you safe until I
find out what s going on with Bazhena. She wants you for some reason. Until I discover why, you need
to be kept under my tight protection. And don t worry about your boyfriend. He ll be okay. He ll wake
up in the morning on his couch, thinking he fell asleep at the office.
Alyssa shook her head slowly. Anger was starting to replace the fear his transformation had caused. She
would not be treated like a child. She was an adult. Christian needed to understand that.
 No? His voice was deadly. Quiet, but more threatening than if he had screamed at the top of his lungs.
Alyssa refused to be intimidated.
 I m not going anywhere until I know that Tom is okay and you tell me what s going on. She folded her
arms across her chest and waited.
Christian s expression hardened until his face became so emotionless it looked like it was etched in
stone. Yet his gaze burned with fury so strong it shot daggers straight at her. She struggled to hang on to
her own anger, but common sense and self-preservation were screaming for her attention. Unfortunately,
she might have realized it too late.
Christian grasped her shoulders and pulled her forward. Her face was inches from his. Their eyes met
and clashed. They held each other s gaze, both refusing to look away. Alyssa thought she saw admiration
kindle in Christian s eyes, but then he moved and she wasn t sure. Turning his head sideways, he pressed
his cheek against hers and whispered in her ear.
 Do you know what you re doing to me,palomita ? Do you understand the consequences of your
actions? I am not in a state to be played with right now. I would not play nice, I promise you that. The
smell of blood is everywhere, filling my senses, tempting me. The odor of another man is on you, stirring
up my anger and my beast. Your seductive scent is also calling to me, drawing me closer. Christian
punctuated his words by running his tongue first down, then up her neck. When he reached her ear again,
he gave the lobe a little nip with his teeth and sucked on it gently. The pain-pleasure of his mouth caused
shivers to run through her and the breath to hitch in her throat.
 My beast is close at hand. Ready to take over, ready to take you if I let it. And it would not be a gentle
joining. Don t push me right now. Just trust me and do as I say. Christian s last words sounded deep
and hoarse.
He slid his mouth down and grazed his teeth over her neck. Then he sucked on the spot where his teeth
had been. She was going to have one hell of a hickey tomorrow morning. The strong pull of his mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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