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some time each day to study. Not much time is required - just enough to look at a
word list a few times, read part of a "Learn Japanese" book, or watch a subtitled
Anime. (That part won't take too much discipline!)
The idea is to do a little bit every day. We've all heard the fable of "The Tortoise
and the Hare". Indeed, when learning a language, "Slow and steady wins the
Here's an interesting analogy I found on the Internet on managing your
(by James R. Beach)
A professor walks into the room carrying an empty 10-gallon water jug and
dragging an obviously heavy bag. He places them on the teacher's desk. Without
a word, he begins placing white rocks, just big enough to fit through the mouth
of the jug, into the jug until they reach the very top. "Is it full?" he asks. The
class nods.
"Maybe not," he says. He then stuffs tiny pebbles into the jug and the pebbles
find their way through the cracks in the rock. "Full now?" he asks. The whole
class nods.
He then shovels sand into the jug, occasionally shaking the jug, and the tiny
grains sift through the rocks and pebbles. "OK," he says, "now is it full?" The
class nods in unison.
He smiles. He then slowly pours water into the jug until a water glass is finally
"The lesson here," he says, "is that there is always more room in our lives than
we think there is. When you think you're out of time, there is still more available
if you look for it."
Here's the time-saving payoff:
The ROCKS are the important things we have to accomplish regularly to be
successful. They go into our "time jug" first, because they are most important.
The PEBBLES represent those things we may not like to do, but we must do.
They go in next. The SAND represents things that we should do, we may even
like to do, but they're not as important. The WATER represents the few
remaining things that make a difference. If you reverse the order, putting in the
water, then the sand, then the pebbles, there will not be enough room for the
rocks. So prioritize your activities and make sure the rocks go on your schedule
So the moral is, whether Japanese is a rock or the water, there's always space for
even a little bit of it in your day, as long as you're ready to do it when the
opportunity comes.
Rent some anime DVDs.
Whether you are an anime fan or not, it can be a serious help for your study of
Japanese, especially if you don't have any other resource for listening to Japanese
dialogue. Anime DVDs are great because they almost always have the Japanese
speech available. If you don't have a DVD player, you might be able to rent
subtitled anime on tape and you can definitely buy it. Chances are slim that you
won't find anything that you don't enjoy at least a little bit, so give it a try, it's a
very useful method.
For instance, you can pause the tape or DVD and look up a word you don't know
in a Japanese dictionary. You can then write the word on a list so you can learn
it! If it was used in an Anime, it's probably a good word to learn. On the other
hand, writing down random words from a Japanese dictionary is a horribly
inefficient way of building a vocabulary. (Don't laugh...many people have tried
it!) I will focus on vocabulary building again in lesson four
If you don't know where to start with anime buying, here are some tips. You can
get Anime at Best Buy, Media Play, and other like stores. Also check small
hobby shops. If you happen to live in the vicinity of a Yaohan (Japanese mall-
like place) you should definitely stop by and see what they have there! If you
don't have a store that sells Anime in your vicinity, you can always turn to the
Internet. We don't have any links right now, but we may soon.
Remember, it's up to you to work on learning Japanese. I can guide you, but I
can't force you to learn.
Next week - Japanese pronunciation
Other areas will be discussed as well, so don't miss it!
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