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still a little cold on the lake this morning, I enjoyed the rowboat. I couldn't believe what horrible beggars those big
carp were." She knew her gratitude would only annoy him more. Each and every time she thanked him, he
"This is supposed to be your vacation, Brandi. You're supposed to have a good time."
"And I am.Especially with the shopping." It was the truth, but she had an ulterior motive, also. Since Sebas­tian
was helping her without even realizing it, she wanted to help him, too. She hoped to get him to loosen up a little
about money. Like Sebastian, she didn't believe in squandering her cash, but neither did she enjoy putting herself
on a shoestring budget, not when she could afford better. Sebastian simply wasn't used to putting his own needs
and desires first; his life centeredaround helping others. It was past time he gave himself some happiness.
"What the hell are you going to do with all that junk, anyway?"
It hadn't been easy, but Brandi had managed to con­vince him to go shopping along the main strip with her after
breakfast. She'd been forced to resort to coercion, reminding him that she was in charge. He'd given in with little
grace, and now they'd been at it for hours, not even stopping for lunch.
She'd hoped he'd get into the spirit of it, but obvi­ously the man did not like to shop. He had no appre­ciation for
the many quaint little speciality stores. Brandi, on the other hand, had bought something from almost every shop.
It had rained first thing in the morning, but now the sun was out and shining brightly and the day seemed beautiful
to her, though it still wasn't overly warm. She was comfortable in a long denim skirt and loose navy blue sweater.
Sebastian wore jeans and another polo shirt, this one dark gray. He looked very handsome, if a bit surly.
Still, even with his attitude turned sour, he was a perfect gentleman. Every time she left a shop, Sebas­tian took
her hand. He protected her from the flow of human traffic and steered her around mud puddles. It felt right to have
him so close, to feel his warmth and strength.
"If you must know, I want to take a gift back to each of the kids at the shelter. They get so few presents."
She said it carelessly, but still he looked dumbstruck, then shamefaced. "Damn it. I'm sorry." He rubbed his eyes
with his free hand,then sighed. "I know I'm being a bastard today, but I didn't get much sleep last night. How 'bout
a cup of coffee? The caffeine will do me good, and your feet have got to be getting tired."
Actually, she felt fine, but he looked ready to drop, so she took mercy on him. "I only have two more gifts to buy.
Why don't you go for your coffee and I'll meet you there in a few minutes."
His hand tightened on hers. "I can go with you. I should probably pick up something for the kids, too. I just hadn't
thought about it."
Her heart softened and the urge to hug him close al­most overwhelmed her. "It's not necessary, Sebastian. I
already have plenty of gifts." He didn't look con­vinced, so she added, "Look, right there on the corner is a cafe. I'll
hit this last shop, grab a few more gifts and then join you. Give me fifteen minutes."
He still hesitated, probably because she tended to spend closer to forty-five minutes in each shop, but she gave him
a look of insistence. "Go. I order you. And I'm the boss remember? Guzzle coffee. Wake yourself up."
Finally he nodded and turned away. She watched until he'd crossed the street and disappeared into the crowd. This
vacation was turning out to be a revela­tion. For such a long time, she'd hidden behind her in­dependence and
privacy, never wanting anyone to in­vade her space, to get too close and ponder her thoughts. But now, she already
missed having Sebas­tian at her side.
It filled her with warmth to think of him, which she did. The whole time she considered small collectibles from the
souvenir shop, part of her mind was on Se­bastian. Their kiss last night had probably not meant much to him, but to
her it had been an accomplish­ment, a giant step forward. Not since she was eighteen had she kissed a man, or even
wanted to. The thought had been nothing less than repellent, the memories stored with it, horrifying. But there was
nothing repel­lent about Sebastian Sinclair. The man could make her tremble with just a look.
With her mind half on her newest purchases, and half on getting back to Sebastian, it was no wonder she almost
ran into the men. When she finally did see them, it was too late to step out of their way. Within a second, the two
of them had crowded her into the store's brick front.
Brandi felt the visceral panic swell, but she fought it back. They were on a busy street. No harm could come to
her. Still, as one of the men gave a long, low whistle, she jerked back, memories assailing her. Both men laughed.
One of them gave her a genuine smile. "You look like you could use some help with that big shopping bag, honey.
Why don't I give you a lift to whereveryou're going? Or better yet, to where we're going. What do you say?"
She tried to answer, but no words would come, not even a denial. The men were too close, towering over her.
The other one stepped closer still. "She doesn't want you, Josh. Why not give me a chance?" Then he gave her a
wide grin."How about it, sweetheart?You up for a little fun?"
She shook her head, hating her cowardice, the gnaw­ing fear. The first man frowned, looking concerned and he
reached for her. She bolted. Feeling foolish even as her legs stretched out, she raced toward the street, her shopping
bag clutched to her middle. She heard the men give a surprised burst of laughter at her mad dash, and tears stung
her eyes. Frantically, she searched for Sebastian, but didn't see him, which made the panic even worse.
When someone took her arm from behind, she started to scream, but the sound was cut off as she was whipped
around and both arms grabbed in a tight hold. "What the hell is the matter with you? What's happened?"
Sebastian.Brandi threw herself against his familiar strength, uncaring that they were drawing notice, or that he
might feel her violent trembling. She clung tight to him as she tried to shake the fear. Rather than asking questions, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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