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" Hold this position for about 30 seconds, longer if
you wish, then slowly start moving your hands.
Your right hand moves out and down to the bottom
of the torso while your left hand moves in and up to
your face. Again, your hands do not touch your
" Continue moving your hands slowly in this circular
pattern. Your hands move at a rate of 3 to 5 circles
each minute.
" While moving your hands, visualize the energy
moving up and down the transparent column and
visualize the channels in the torso opening
completely. (If you have difficulty holding this
visualization, just say it once in your mind. Then,
feel confident the transparent energy column is
Three Basic Spring Forest Qigong Exercises
there and focus on guiding the energy with your
hands. Feel the energy moving. This is a relaxed
focus. It shouldn t feel forced.)
Do this exercise for 5 to 10 minutes or longer if you can.
The more time you spend doing this exercise the deeper
you will start to go into the emptiness.
An Introduction To Qigong
The Breathing of the Universe
This exercise is very good for healing the lungs and
skin and to balance the energy inside and outside of the
If you are doing the Moving of Yin & Yang prior to
doing the Breathing of the Universe you make the transi-
tion in the following way.
Finish the Moving of Yin &
Yang by slowly bringing
both hands to a stop in front
of your navel at the position
of your lower Dantian.
For men, stop with your left
hand inside of your right
hand. For women, stop with
the right hand inside of the
left hand.
Again, your hands do not
touch each other or your
body. This space allows you
to keep the feeling of the
" Now, focus your mind on your lower Dantian and
take three slow, gentle, deep breaths.
" Then, as you inhale the fourth time, move your
hands apart and open to the sides.
Three Basic Spring Forest Qigong Exercises
" As you exhale, bring your hands in towards each
other but your hands do not touch.
" Continue doing this movement with each inhalation
and exhalation, slowly and steadily.
" Imagine you are using your whole body to breathe.
" When you open your hands, feel the energy as it
expands in the space between your hands.
" When you close your hands feel the energy being
compressed in the space between your hands.
" With practice, and perhaps very quickly, you will
actually feel the energy expanding and compressing.
" Use your hands and body to feel the energy moving
while you use your elbows to guide the movements.
An Introduction To Qigong
" While you inhale, visualize the pure universal
energy flowing into your body through every part
of your body and gathering in your lower Dantian.
" While you exhale, imagine any pain or sickness
turning into smoke or air and shooting out from
every part of the body to the end of the universe.
" Do not let your body sway while doing these
movements. Just keep your body still and relaxed
and always wear a smile on your face.
Do this movement for 5 to 10 minutes or longer if you
have the time.
By moving your hands in this manner and combining
the breathing technique, you help to open blockages in
the whole body, especially the lungs.
When you finish this movement, stop your hands in
front of you as if you were holding a ball of energy in
front of your navel  your lower Dantian. Take three slow,
gentle, deep breaths in through your nose.
When you are finished doing your Spring Forest
Qigong exercises you should always rub your hands
together and then massage your face in the following
Starting from the chin, gently rub your hands up your
face, along the sides of your nose, up to your forehead,
then out and down in a circular pattern along the sides of
your face and back down to your chin. Then, start up
again in the same manner. Massage your face in this way
several times. Doing this helps to bring your focus back
Three Basic Spring Forest Qigong Exercises
from the emptiness.
You may do these exercises in combination, one right
after another; or, you can practice just one at a time. Try to
practice them whenever you feel the need to completely
relax and renew yourself. Even if you only have a few
minutes, these exercises can be helpful. Of course, the
more you practice these Spring Forest Qigong exercises
and the more time you can spend doing them the more
you will feel the energy and the deeper you will be able
to go into the emptiness.
Always remember to say the password whenever you
begin your exercises. By saying the password -  I am in the
universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and I com-
bine together. - you open yourself up to the universe and
its limitless supply of healing energy.
Small Universe
The purpose of this meditation exercise is to clear ener-
gy blockages along the front and back channels; to phys-
ically clear the roots of sickness; and to open the energy
centers along these channels.
I highly recommend this exercise. If you have time to
do only one Spring Forest Qigong technique, do the Small
Universe. It is extremely helpful in opening blockages
and balancing all the energy in your body.
We have many energy channels and energy centers in
our bodies. When energy starts at one point, visits all the
channels and centers in the body, and comes back to the
starting point, we have what is literally translated from
ancient Chinese wisdom as a  Big Universe.
The most important energy channels are the back and
An Introduction To Qigong
front channels in the torso. When energy starts at one
point on these channels, visits all the parts of the system,
and comes back to the starting point, we have what is
called a  Small Universe. By focusing on moving the
energy along these two main channels in the Small
Universe, you have a profoundly positive effect on the
Big Universe of the whole body.
The back channel starts at the lower Dantian area,
which is behind the navel. It goes down to the bottom of
the torso, travels up along the spine to the top of the head
and comes down from the middle of the forehead stop-
ping at the roof of the mouth. It governs all the Yang or
male energy channels in the body.
The front channel also starts from the lower Dantian
area, goes down to the bottom of the torso, travels up the
body, passing through the heart and throat, and stopping
under the tongue. It governs all the Yin or female energy
channels in the body.
These two channels automatically connect together
four hours a day: at midday between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00
p.m. and at midnight between 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Qigong practitioners like to meditate at noon and mid-
night because it takes less energy and generates greater
Nearly all the important energy centers are arranged
along the back and front channels. As a result, a blockage
in the heart energy center could cause not only heart
problems but problems in the lungs, breasts, chest or even [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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