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dead around him. 'I cannot move in this place without my, brother warning of
my coming.'
'All dead,' the other answered, 'but tonight they will rise and tomorrow they
will fight again, and so it will go on. Eternal strife because the dark powers
wish it so.'
Sabat studied the other carefully, but had learned from experience that the
gods of this wilderness appeared in any guise they chose and sometimes it was
impossible to differentiate between good and evil until it was too late. It
was a dangerous and treacherous place this land that stank of evil and putrid
death. For some moments there was silence, Sabat sensing his own frailty here
where the gods ruled supreme. Then the stranger's eyes hooded, his bearded
lips moved showing blackened and broken teeth in an expression of anguish.
'Lilith has gone from here,' he muttered, 'into the world of mortals.'
'Her name is being used,' Sabat replied. 'A false goddess.'
'It is she, none other, possessing the soul and body of a mortal woman,
spreading her evil as never before. Here where time does not exist she fled
from Adam, and even the angels sent by God could not bring her back. Oft times
she visits the mortal world, a demonic succubus seducing men in their dreams,
capturing their souls and preying on the blood of the newly born. Sanvi,
Sansanvi and Semangelaf, the three angels sent by God, are powerless to thwart
her latest evil. That is why I am glad to see you, Sabat, for only a mortal
with such powers as yours can combat her.'
'Where can I find her?' Sabat's pulses were racing. 'In the name of God, tell
me, whoever you are.'
'Alas I cannot,' the other sighed, 'unless perchance you happen on her and
recognise her, for I am forbidden to go amongst mortals. This carnage you see
here is as nothing to what will happen in your world if Lilith is not
destroyed. For, as you know, she has already begun.'
*I have witnessed the foul deeds of her disciples.' Sabat was trembling. 'A
supposed reincarnation of one who was more evil than my brother Quentin, one
who has the blood of countless millions on his hands.'
'It may or may not be him, but certainly Lilith is spreading her wickedness, a
plague of blood that will destroy civilisation and then she will rule supreme
over your world, a Hades undreamed of. You did not come here of your own free
will, Sabat; you were summoned by a higher authority. Prevent such bloodshed
on earth which you see around you here, and which will go on for time
immemorial* from destroying mortal man. Let your astral body find Lilith
before it is too late. Mayhap she is already known to you!'
Sabat stiffened, saw a glint in those clear blue eyes and knew that the old
man had given him a clue. Forbidden to intervene in the battle between Good
and Evil on mortal soil the other had not betrayed the trust of the gods, yet
at the same time had given Sabat subtle guidance. 'Mayhap she is already known
to you]'
Then Sabat was turning away, retracing his steps, sensing the other's eyes
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following his departure from this blood-soaked wasteland. The vultures raised
their heads to watch him pass, eyed his bronzed flesh lustfully.
Soon he was airborne again and away from this dreadful land, taking on the
shape of a harrier, small birds scattering at his approach. Slowing, drifting
on air currents, an astral body searching aimlessly, a hunting hawk, unsure of
the nature of its prey.
Sunshine but not burning heat, a pleasant warmth that gave him a feeling of
tranquility overshadowed only by the enormity of his seemingly hopeless task.
Below him the land was green and fresh, a meandering river where cows sought
the shade of an overhanging willow. Again the landscape was deserted, just
isolated farms, a labourer's cottage here and there. And a big house set back
half a mile from the moorland road in its own extensive grounds, high yew
hedges to protect it from the winter winds and blizzards ... or the casual
interest of travellers.
Sabat would have glided on but surprised himself at the instinctive checking
of his wings, a half turn that brought him back towards the yew boundary of
that big house. Again he changed, this time to a diving swallow, for harriers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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