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offering SAFE PARKING!
"Avoid that lot," advised Gomez. "My sources inform me that the one
operated by Gonsalvez Enterprises is more reliable." "There it is up
ahead, beyond that dry lake."
The light signs on the Gonsalvez landing lot promised 99% SAFE!
Just as Jake was about to tap out a landing pattern, a crimson sky van
came swooping down across their path.
Using the manual controls, Jake dived their sky car and avoided a
As the crimson van sailed by close above them, it gave out a harsh
hooting sound.
Gomez frowned up at it. "I suppose you can't expect careful,
courteous flying from lads who have neon snakes and skulls decorating
their vehicle."
"Ah, youth," said lake.
As their sky car settled onto a rectangle of orange-brown ground, a
voice came out of their dash speaker. "Remain inside your vehicle,
senhores, while we run through a quick routine check to determine if
it's stolen, involved in a crime or otherwise undesirable. Muito
"Have I mentioned," said Gomez, "that Brasilia has a reputation for
being a seedy and wide open community."?"
"Nope, but I figured that out on my own."
The office building across the way had most of its upper walls missing.
Draped from two rusted girders was a globanner proclaiming CIE^VEsr SEX
IN TOWN! Next to it stood a gambling casino whose windows had long
since been replaced with plastarps and large sheets of corrugated
metal. In the dusty roadway alongside the landing lot two dozen or so
citizens were watching a dogfight and betting on the outcome.
"Your car passes muster," announced the voice of the lot computer.
"You can leave your seats and go on about your business. Be certain
you pay in advance as you leave. Be certain also that you get your lot
passes. Anyone without a pass will be shot if he or she attempts to
enter this area."
"That makes me feel secure." Gomez got out, stretched.
A few yards away, next to a lemon yellow sky car was stationed a large
black-enameled guardbot with a lazgun built into his right hand. "Don't
"We don't intend to loiter in your lot," said Gomez, "nor in your fair
They were only a half block from the lot when the crimson sky van
dropped down to land in the dusty road ahead of them.
The door on the drive side popped open and a lean youth stumbled out.
He wore glop ants and an animated shirt that showed naked women
dancing. Around his neck hung an electro knife on
a golden chain. His shaved head was a mixture of tattooed snake
designs and recent scabs.
"Hey, scum!" he yelled.
Gomez halted. "Could this lout be addressing us, do you think?"
Jake stopped. "That wouldn't be very smart of him."
Another door came flapping open and two more similar young men
The largest said, "You assholes came near to hitting us just now, do
you know?"
Jake grinned thinly. "Let me give you some helpful advice," he said.
"Don't carry this any further."
"You trying to order us around?" inquired the one with the scabs,
fingering his knife. "You nearly knocked us clean out of the sky and
Gomez said, "Boys, before anything unpleasant occurs, vacate the
"We'll vacate your ass," threatened the largest. He had a metal right
arm, which looked to have been borrowed from a chrome-plated robot.
Held in its silvery fingers was a dented black lazgun. "You come close
to cracking us up. Can't you see what a nice van that is? You crack
that up, you're in deep trouble."
"We're going to show you," said the lean one with scabs, "that you
can't dick around with us."
Jake sighed. All at once his stun gun was in his hand.
He fired at the young man with the metallic right arm.
The youth stiffened, eyes going wide. His fingers fanned out, the gun
dropped into the orange dust.
Gomez's stun gun was in his hand now. With the thumb of his other hand
he pointed skyward. "Bon voyage," he said.
The one Jake had stunned toppled over. Dust huffed up all around him
when he hit the ground.
The driver of the crimson van complained, "You nearly killed "Nope, we
never kill anybody the first time around," Gomez assured him. "It's
only when they give evidence of not having learned their lesson that we
resort to that." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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