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Two days later Hippolyte strode into the library of the town house, waving a
handful of cards.
"I just lost damn near twenty pounds to Miss Amelia and young Edward," he
Gabriel looked up from the newspaper. "I did warn you not to play cards with
that pair."
Hippolyte grinned, satisfaction radiating from him in waves. "Why didn't you
tell me that they're both showing signs of psychical abilities?"
"I knew that you would figure it out soon enough."
"Realized it as soon as I sat down to play with them, of course." Hippolyte
chuckled. "I could feel the energy around the table. It was astonishing. Miss
Amelia is already quite strong. Young Edward is
just coming into his own. Not sure what sort of talent he's got yet, but it
will be interesting to find out."
"Guiding those two as they develop their psychical skills will give you
something to occupy your spare time." Gabriel turned the page in the
newspaper. "You'll be needing a new hobby now that you've finished with
Venetia entered the library, a photograph in her hand. "Good afternoon,
gentlemen. Would you care to see the latest addition to the Men of Shakespeare
series? I think Caesar is going to be quite popular."
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Gabriel got to his feet to greet her. He glanced down at the picture of
Caesar. The man in the photograph was blond and endowed with the sort of
features ladies were known to admire in men. The model was also extremely well
muscled. A great deal of that muscle was on display.
"What the devil is he wearing?" Gabriel asked.
"A toga, of course," Venetia said. "What else would Caesar wear?"
"Good lord, Venetia, the man's half naked."
"That's the classical Roman fashion."
"Damnation. You actually photographed a man who was wearing nothing but a
skimpy toga?"
"Remember, dear, photography is an art. Half naked, indeed, entirely naked
people are quite commonly found in art."
"They are most definitely not going to be commonly found in your art."
"Now, Gabriel "
Hippolyte cleared his throat. "I believe I'll leave you two alone to discuss
the finer points of the photographic arts. Young Edward and I are going to
take his kite to the park."
They spent their wedding night alone in the little house on Sutton Lane.
Declaring that the newlyweds needed privacy, Marjorie Jones invited Beatrice,
Amelia and Edward to stay at the town house that evening.
Venetia waited for her husband in bed, demurely garbed in an ankle-length
nightgown. She felt unaccountably shy and more than a little nervous. This was
ridiculous, she thought. They had been together before. Why was she feeling so
She started a little when Gabriel opened the door and walked into the room. He
wore a dark dressing gown and his hair was still damp from his bath.
Her husband, she thought. She was now a wife.
He stopped halfway across the room and looked at her with his sorcerer's eyes.
"What is the matter?" he asked.
"I find it hard to believe that we are married," she confessed. "There was a
time when I thought I'd never see you again. Not in this life, at any rate."
He smiled and walked the rest of the way to the edge of the bed. "How odd. I
knew from the beginning that we would be together."
"Did you?"
He untied the sash of his robe. "Remember the night we made love together at
Arcane House?"
'"I am not likely to forget it."
"Do you recall telling me that you were mine?"
She blushed. "Yes."
He tossed the robe aside, pulled back the covers and got in beside her. "As
far as I was concerned, that was our real wedding night, Mrs. Jones."
He was right, she thought. That night had sealed the bond between them.
Her bridal jitters evaporated in the warmth of that knowledge. She opened her
arms to him.
"I knew you were the right man," she whispered.
"Ah, but you were thinking of only one night together. Whereas I was plotting
a strategy that would last
a lifetime."
He came to her then. They made love slowly at first and very thoroughly.
Gabriel touched her in ways that would have shocked her in the light of day.
But here in the shadows of the bedroom, she gloried in the sensual intimacy.
Gradually the tender lovemaking was transformed into a sensual battle. She
grew bolder and more daring. At one point she took him into her mouth. His
fingers clenched in her hair.
"Enough, my sweet." His breathing was harsh with the effort he was exerting to
maintain control.
"I see no reason to stop," she said softly.
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Without warning he reversed their positions, rolling on top of her. In
retaliation, she sank her nails into [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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