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shirt. She succeeded in unfastening the first three and pressed her lips to Talon s throat.
Talon reached up and gently prevented the questing fingers from straying any farther. Backing away, she
looked into a pair of gray-blue eyes the color of the sky during a summer storm.  You don t have to do
that, she said.
 My lord, you paid a great deal of money for my company this evening, the girl replied, her voice silky.
 I wish you to fully enjoy what you have paid for. She pressed her hips into Talon s, and Talon was so
startled that she let go to catch her balance against the wall behind her. The redhead s hands traveled
lightly downward, brushing over the muscles of her abdomen.
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Talon could guess where they were headed next, and with a gasp she slid out of reach and said,  You
don t understand.
 Perhaps it is you who does not understand. The girl advanced.  You may not realize it, my lord, but
my mistake tonight was certain to cost me a terrible beating. Your generous gift to the showmaster has
saved me, and for that, she reached up and locked her arms around Talon s neck,  I want to show my
gratitude. She rose on tiptoe, pulling Talon s head down to meet her lips in a kiss.
An electric shock went through Talon s body at the soft, sensual contact of the dancer s lips against her
own. For a moment she was frozen with a paralyzing combination of surprise, curiosity, and something
else& something she d never felt before, a heat that started low in her abdomen and spread into her arms
and thighs, making them strangely weak. Instinctively she cupped the girl s shoulders and drew her in.
Talon had been kissed before, but always by dirty, drunken older men whose advances she was
attempting to avoid without seeming openly uncooperative. It had never felt like this, so soft and warm
and pliant, and she had never before found herself desiring more, wanting deeper, stronger contact. Her
body shouldn t react this way to the touch of another woman.Should it?
Disturbed, she pushed the redhead away and backed up several steps, finding it hard to catch her
breath. The girl s face immediately contorted with fear and she fell to her knees on the floor.
 Forgive me, my lord, if I have displeased you. She sounded close to tears, apparently mistaking
Talon s confusion for anger.  I truly desire only to give you pleasure.
Regardless of the thousand warring thoughts screaming through her head at the moment, Talon had a
more immediate problem. The girl on the floor was terrified.
Bending down, she said,  The only pleasure I desire of you is the pleasure of your company while we
eat. I have no other expectations, I promise. She offered her hand.  Come. Sit with me.
The redhead looked up with wondering eyes and took the offered hand, allowing Talon to lead her into
the Princess s sitting rooms. A low table before the plush upholstered couch was laden with covered
dishes, and Talon seated the redhead on the couch before lifting the silver cover of one of the platters to
reveal an assortment of sliced cheeses and meats and a colorful arrangement of fruits.
 What s your name? she asked her startled companion.
 Elsi, my lord.
Talon lifted another cover to find several rolls of crusty golden bread and reached for a bottle of wine,
still over half full, resting in a silver tub of melted ice.  Well, Elsi, she said with a grin as she filled a glass
with the wine and held it out,  I want you to eat and drink until you can t hold any more.
Wide-eyed, Elsi accepted the glass.  It will be my pleasure, my lord, I can assure you.
Talon filled a glass for herself. The lamplight glinted through the red liquid.  To pleasure, then.
Elsi clinked Talon s glass with her own and brought it to her lips, but before drinking she added quite
seriously,  And to the kindest, most honorable man I ve met in all my life.
Talon wasn t sure what to say, so she simply broke off a hunk of bread and handed it to Elsi with a
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flourish. The dancer ate ravenously, and with a twinge, Talon recalled feeling such hunger herself. She
made a mental note to wrap up whatever was left for the girl to take with her later. Elsi s last words
echoed in her mind. Kind she might be, but after that kiss, Talon wasn t sure that she was so honorable;
and contrary to popular belief and evidently her own rebellious body she was most definitely not a
Chapter Five
 And the King has agreed to this? Talon gaped at Chancellor Kumire.
The chancellor nodded.  He said it would be a wonderful experience.
 A trip to the Ardrenn markets? It sounds lovely. Bria batted her eyes at Kumire and clung to his arm.
 It sounds dangerous, Talon retorted, annoyed at the way Bria hung on Kumire s every word and
amazed that the chancellor would even suggest such a reckless outing.  Chancellor, you can t parade the
Princess through the streets of the city with her brother s assassin still at large.
 Nonsense, boy, that was nearly a full winter ago.
Talon gritted her teeth.  It s hardly nonsense, Chancellor. Princess Shasta s life could be at stake.
 Relax, Talon. Shasta poked her in the ribs.  No one will know it s me, I m going in disguise so I can
get a real look at the lives of Ithyrians without my title getting in the way.
Talon shook her head.  Princess, please, think about the risk you d be taking.
Shasta shrugged.  Risk comes with the birthright. And besides, it s what makes life interesting. Her
eyes twinkled wickedly.
In frustration Talon called to Vaughn.  Captain, can you talk some sense into her? Maybe she ll listen to
Vaughn rose from his seat at the far end of the lesson hall and approached with a sigh.  Your Highness,
surely you realize how unwise it would be to venture into the open with so little protection. Talon is a
capable soldier, he nodded in his young student s direction,  but even he can t hope to offer the kind of
comprehensive protection you would need in such a situation. If you insist on going, at the very least let
me assign you a guard escort.
Kumire snorted.  That would defeat the entire purpose.
 Which is? Talon challenged.
 To walk among my people, Shasta declared.  To gain an understanding of their lives. To be one of
them, even if it s just for an afternoon. If I m to rule one day I should have real knowledge of what the
world out there is like. That s something I ll never get if I m locked up in the palace my entire life.
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Talon stared at her charge suspiciously. This had nothing to do with Shasta s lessons, and they both
knew it. The Princess wanted a chance for adventure, something she was carefully sheltered from on a
daily basis.  This is a very bad idea, she said.
Shasta folded her arms.  I don t have to explain myself to you, Talon. I have my father s permission and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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