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never known what's good for them!"
Andrews took a deep breath. He had to calm down. There was no need to dwell on the
past. He puffed again on his cigarette and glanced over at The Joker. "I understand your
own government no longer allows such important experiments anymore. They are all
shortsighted fools!"
The Joker giggled at the other man's outburst. "I've always said the same thing. That's
why you've had to move to the private sector, Andropov. Oh, so sorry Dr. Andrews. I
have any number of ways for you to experiment with your new drug. Stick with me, and
you'll learn all about free enterprise."
"Any number of ways?" Andrews looked at his employer with a renewed interest.
"You want to do more than perfect your Batman?"
"Oh, certainly. I have experiments you haven't even dreamed of yet!" The Joker tossed
his head back and laughed.
Andrews went back to smoking his cigarette. His life had been so uncertain for the last
few years. After working for the supreme rulers of his homeland, and a few terrorist
leaders in various third world countries, he had been afraid he would have to make some
unpleasant compromises when he had been forced to flee to the States. But The Joker
made him feel right at home---a place where Andrews could do everything he desired.
Big Mike was unhappy.
It was not his fault that the museum job hadn't worked. The real Batman had shown up.
Big Mike would like to see what all the other guys did when the real Batman showed up.
And Big Mike had gotten away! His boss should like him for that, right?
Then why wasn't The Joker giving him anything to do? Well, he was watching the safe.
The boss had told him to do that, saying, "Big Mike, watch the safe. Make sure it doesn't
go anywhere." Before that, Big Mike hadn't even known the safe could move.
But the other guys were laughing at him. Samson had just come down here, with a piece
of paper from the boss. The paper had a big number on it. The boss had never paid Big
Mike like that when he had gone out to get the batmen! But he did pay Samson. And Big
Mike had to give him the money, but he did not have to be happy about it. Especially the
way Samson smiled, like he knew how good he was, and how Big Mike could not go out
and get a new Batman anymore.
It made Big Mike mad.
But Big Mike still gave Samson the money. He didn't want to make another mistake
like the museum. The boss did not like mistakes. But Big Mike didn't like the way
Samson laughed when he walked out of the room.
Big Mike couldn't wait anymore. He didn't like to sit when other guys got to go out and
do jobs for the boss. Big Mike wanted to do something real important. He had to go talk
to the boss. He made sure the safe was locked and the alarm was on, and walked upstairs
to the boss's office.
He could hear the boss laughing inside. He knocked on the door.
"What?" his boss yelled. "Interruptions! Interruptions!" The boss paused, then sang
sweetly: "Come in!"
Big Mike opened the door.
The doctor was there. Big Mike didn't like the way the doctor looked at him. But he
had to talk to the boss.
"Well," the boss demanded, "what is it?"
Part of Big Mike was sorry he had come up here. He wanted to run back to where he sat
next to the safe and never move again. But the other part of him wanted to do something
important, something as important as what Samson did. Big Mike remembered the way he
had felt when he was back down sitting next to the safe. He had to talk.
"Boss," he began, trying hard to pick just the right words. "I been thinking."
"Really?" the boss prompted.
"I been sitting down and watching the safe," Big Mike said faster. Now that he got
started, he wanted to get it over with. "I know you told me it was an important job, but I
can do more, too. You remember when Big Mike used to go and get batmen for you?
Big Mike wants to do something like that again. Big Mike wants to do something
"Important?" The boss really smiled. Big Mike must have said the right thing. He
turned to the doctor. "We have our next experiment."
"Experiment?" Big Mike asked. He didn't like the sound of that word.
"That means we're going to give you a try," the boss explained. He patted Big Mike on
the back. "Big Mike, you're right. We haven't even begun to use you to your full
Big Mike smiled. He was glad it was working out so well.
"That's the ticket!" the boss told him. "We're going to make you really happy!"
"What do you want Big Mike to do?" he asked.
The boss considered this for a minute. "Well, first you have to go into the cell block."
In with the prisoners? Big Mike wasn't so sure he liked that. A lot of the new batmen
would blame him for catching them. But he wanted to do something important. Maybe
the boss would make him a guard. That was important.
"Into the cell block," Big Mike repeated, making sure he could understand.
"That's right," the boss agreed.
"Then what?" Big Mike asked.
"I'll talk to you over the loudspeaker system," the boss told him. "I'll tell you just what
to do."
"Okay," Big Mike agreed. This would be important. The boss said it would make him
He walked across the room, careful not to look at the doctor, and opened the door that led
to the cells.
"Good, Big Mike, good," the boss called after him. "You won't regret this."
He closed the door behind him. "What should Big Mike do now?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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