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10. Jason asked me who had given me that book the day before
11. Robert asked me if I was leaving the following Friday
12. Daniel asked me if I thought it would rain the next day
13. Jenifer asked me where I played football that day
14. Nancy asked me why I hadn t gone to New York
15. Yesterday Linda asked me if Max had flown to London two weeks before
1. having an end
2. removing and treating waste, dirty water etc
3. influence
4. an amount of something that is available
5. a wall built across a river
6. understanding
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
7. effectively
8. gain
1. A third of the world's population
2. By 2025, to two-thirds
3. 50 litres of water a day
4. for drinking, washing, cooking and sanitation
5. over a billion
6. less than 1% of the amount of water we use today
1. collision  wypadek
2. severely  poważnie, znacznie
3. torrential  ulewny
4. powerful  silny
5. homeless  bezdomny
6. warning  ostrzeżenie
1. drizzling  mży
2. shower  przelotny deszcz
3. foggy  mgliście
4. lightning  piorun
5. hurricane  huragan
6. avalanche  lawina
7. floods  powodzie
8. frost  szron
9. blizzard  zamieć
10. hail  grad
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