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swell of her breasts, the indentation of her waist, the gentle flare of her hips. Tiny and
curvy and mouthwatering, she was the perfect gift made for him to unwrap. He could
hardly tell the difference between the silky fabric and the soft texture of her skin when he
smoothed the straps from her shoulders. He glided his palms down her arms and the
outer curves of her breasts.
The dress slithered to the floor. She stood before him in a black lace bra and matching
Possessiveness spiked his desire. He couldn t believe he d almost let her leave. His
heart pounded against his ribs and he dragged her against him.
All his noble intentions for slow seduction burned to ash in the fire of need consuming
him. Then she tucked her arms around his waist. Using one finger, she circled the
waistband of his underwear from back to front, grazing his hip bone.
Holy hell. He throbbed so hard, a spot of moisture appeared on the navy blue fabric.
Determined to know if he affected her that way, he kissed her neck as his hand slid
from her breast to cup her mound. Dampness soaked her panties and he moaned,
running his middle finger along her covered crease.
Picking her up, he easily positioned them at the center of the bed. He craved her taste
and wouldn t be satisfied until he sank his tongue into her. But her pink nipples poking
through the black lace of her bra called to him first.
Settling his hips between her thighs, he unclipped her bra and captured those luscious
peaks one at a time. The hard beads contrasted with her silky soft breasts. She fit
perfectly in his hands. Like she d been made for him. Her skin smelled like lavender. The
light touch of her perfume made him picture laying her down in a field of clover. He
soaked her in with all his senses, awed by her feminine softness and beauty.
When she arched and gasped as his mouth explored her spectacular breasts, his hips
rocked against her. He felt her dampness through two layers of cloth and decided he
needed her naked and under him. Now.
Kissing a trail from her cleavage down the subtle arcs of her ribs and the scoop of her
stomach, he paused to nibble her hip bones. Her knees fell open to accommodate the
width of his shoulders.
Mindy marveled at the feel of Isaac s arms around her thighs, strong corded arms that
felt like thick ropes. His biceps flexed, drawing her juncture closer to his mouth. Heaven
help me.
She refused to allow a stab of guilt for ditching Marcus to distract her from the
moment. Finally, she lay in the arms of the man she d fallen half in love with, and she
would fall for him completely if she let herself.
Her abdomen fluttered as his hands drifted over her belly. His tanned skin contrasted
with her paleness. He radiated vitality, his eyes heavy-lidded, so rich and dark she could
drown in their depths.
When the bristle of his jaw scraped her inner thighs, blood rushed through her veins.
The very tip of his tongue glided over her seam, making her calves clench and her knees
 Relax, baby. His husky murmur drifted over her skin.  Let me taste you.
Hesitantly, she eased her legs wider, supported by his flexed arms. He started over,
drawing the point of his tongue across her a second time. Then he parted her with his
thumbs and repeated the motion.
As if she wasn t wet enough, a surge of moisture trickled from her entrance. She
opened her eyes and looked down at him, silently begging for more. His chiseled cheeks
curved with a smile.
Highly sensitized, she breathed continuous moans as he bathed her with warm, moist
caresses. All concentration centered on where he stroked her with long slow laps. God, he
was really good at this.
He swept his tongue oh so slowly from her opening, up to where her clit ached for his
attention. His tongue flicked the peak and she clenched the bed sheets in her fists.
 Is that what you want?
 Yes, she moaned.
 Mmm. Me, too. His mouth closed on her, sucking her, and she lifted her hips off the
It had been so long since someone had touched her there, the sensation was sharp
and intense, almost too much.  Please& don t stop.
A low laugh rumbled in his chest.  An hour from now you may regret those words. But
you don t get to take them back.
Wait. Oral sex lasted longer than fifteen minutes? She was used to the guy getting
bored, making it obvious she needed to hurry up and come. Without that pressure
looming, her thighs relaxed their tension, allowing her to lay back and enjoy the
experience instead of rushing toward climax.
So she did. She lost herself to the divine movements of his mouth. The way he
changed his pace from slow swirling to rapid flicks, taking her to the edge. Then he drew
her back down by easing his tempo, moving lower and probing her entrance, inserting his
tongue inside her, his face moving back and forth with each penetration.
Isaac was a masterful lover, calculated, giving her just enough but not too much.
 You re driving me crazy, she panted.
 That s the point. His eyes crinkled at the corners.  Do you want me to stop?
She shook her head violently.  No.
 Good. Because I wasn t going to. He clamped his arms more firmly around her thighs [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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