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local bar behind me. The camera panned and focused on the third floor of Tammy s Bar
and the lungful of air left me in a whoosh.  The body was discovered around 6:00 a.m.
this morning by a resident of the building leaving for work, who saw blood leaking from
a door. No one reported hearing screams, no one seems to have seen anyone suspicious
entering or leaving the building and& wait& here comes the lead investigator on this.
Detective Rodriguez, can you give us any information on what has happened here this
morning? A man in a badge, tailored suit and an air of authority tried to push his way
past the lights and cameras towards the scene to no avail. He was tall and athletic; dark-
skinned and had light amber eyes. It was lust at first sight for the reporter, and I couldn t
really blame her. He appeared all business, however and sighed, realizing he wasn t
getting through without some sort of comment.
28 www.samhainpublishing.com
Even for Me
 The victim is an African-American female, approximately thirty to forty years of
age. That is all I am prepared to discuss at this time until next of kin have been notified
and our preliminary investigations of this scene are complete. Thank you and I will be in
contact with your offices later this morning. Thank you, thank you. The man pushed
through the reporters to just beyond the tape. The camera still focused on him and I saw
the body being carried down the stairs in the bag strapped to the gurney. It was taking
four men. Tammy.
I was on my bike heading for Denver before the door finished swinging.
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Taryn Blackthorne
Chapter Seven: Jackson
When he got a hold of the woman, she was dead. Not the easy death he would have
given an innocent mixed up in this, but one with all the bells and whistles. He was
 Mr. Haven? the deputy interrupted his tirade. He waved at Jackson and Jackson
had to rush over like the good little boy he was pretending to be. He retrieved his ID
(which had been in his jacket pocket), and listened to the good policeman explain to him
what had happened. People usually told you what they wanted to hear if you just listened
close enough. It saved time and he was in a hurry. She was heading for Denver; he knew
it in his gut. Why go back there? What was so damned important if she was running?
 You sure are lucky we happened by, mister. We saw the fire from the highway and
we just about drove off the road. I never saw a fire that big since the Haymen fire. Well,
not that we saw that, just the smoke down here. We were sure Dorothy and Arnold would
have moved into town for that, but they stayed right out here until today. We found them
out here just after we found you. You should have called for help instead of trying to go
into a burning building. Deputy Do-right was nodding, saving Jackson the trouble.
Yeah, the others were definitely not going to let him live this down. He could almost hear
his cousins now.  Pity about your truck being stolen, but then you never can tell about
hitchhikers. Especially women. You know, there was this one fella, a while back& 
 Did you find anybody or animals in the barn? It looked like it was the first to burn
when I got here. He gritted his teeth and the officer took it for a smile in the dawn light.
He felt more than heard a growl up his spine. Hunting, the woman was going back there
to hunt. He had to move.
 Nope, like I said, you were lucky. The deputy turned away at that moment, upset
that Jackson had interrupted a perfectly good story, otherwise he would have caught
Jackson narrowing his eyes. The witch had made it out alive. Where was she heading?
30 www.samhainpublishing.com
Even for Me
One problem at a time there, Jackson old boy. He needed to come back to the others
with at least one of them out of the way, for his pride s sake if nothing else. The Shifter
was the more dangerous. He d go after her and then backtrack to the witch.
He smiled and signed the forms the nice people handed him, gave them the false
address he always did for out-of-state police use and was surprised when they told him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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