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if she was not carrying him around, he was trailing after her under his own steam, his little pink behind
wiggling happily as he followed her from place to place. The piglet seemed to think Avelyn was his
mother, much to Paen's mingled amusement and exasperation.
This week had also been the week when her husband had seemed to suddenly notice her presence. Not
that he'd been completely oblivious before, but this week Paen had taken the trouble to spend time with
her playing chess of an evening, going out with her for walks. He still did not say much. Avelyn was
coming to realize that her husband was a man of few words. He tended to grunt more than speak, but on
a few occasions he'd had whole conversations with her. She always found these discussions interesting
windows into his thoughts. Avelyn was happy to learn that her husband was a good, fair and honest man.
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"Please?" David begged, reminding Avelyn of his request to hold Samson. She hesitated, then gave in
and handed Samson to the boy.
"Be careful, David. He is getting heavy," she warned. Samson had doubled in weight this last week
thanks to some advice from Avis, the innkeeper's wife. The woman had ridden to the castle with the first
delivery of ale and mead and had arrived as Avelyn was trying to find some way to feed the piglet. Avis
had taken an interest and told her what her own father had done when they'd had a similar problem with
a foal. Her father had made a sort of bladder out of oiled cloth. He'd sewn the end in the shape of a teat,
filled it with goat's milk and used it to feed the foal, which had apparently done rather well on the
substitute for a mother's breast milk.
Avis offered to help with the project, and Avelyn had accepted gratefully. She liked the innkeeper's wife,
and they were becoming friends. So when Avelyn had headed into the village today to order more goods
and check on the carpenters' progress with the furnishings, she'd decided to take Samson with her to
show Avis how well her suggestion was working. Samson had become plump, healthy and happy.
Now they were returning, and Avelyn was eager to tell Diamanda about their trip. The younger girl had
been pleasant enough before, but ever since their trip to the village, the two of them were becoming fast
friends, spending a good deal of time together and laughing and chatting as they went about their chores.
In fact, Diamanda had wanted to come with her to the village today, but the girl's aunt had refused to
allow it. Lady Helen insisted Diamanda remain home to practice her seams, as she was still unable to get
them straight.
Avelyn suspected the girl would be as bored as mud by now, and wondered if she was watching from a
window and could see them approaching the gates to the bailey.
"He is squirmy."
Avelyn smiled faintly and glanced down at David's claim, just in time to see Samson wiggle his way out
of the boy's hold. Dropping to the ground with a plop, the piglet raced off along the wall, and David
promptly gave chase with a squeal that just seemed to urge Samson to faster speeds. Avelyn set off after
the pair, worried that the lad would trip over his own feet.
Sure enough, David took a tumble after a couple of minutes, and Avelyn shook her head as she slowed
to a walk to approach him. She knew her husband did not like anyone making a big deal of the child's
tumbles, so she paused beside him and raised her eyebrows as Samson turned back and waddled over
to snuffle at him.
David giggled as he crawled to his hands and knees, then snuffled back.
Avelyn shook her head at the pair of them, and then bent to scoop Samson into her arms as David
climbed to his feet.
"You have some dirt on your braes," she announced, and was waiting patiently as he brushed it away
when a grinding sound overhead made her glance up. Avelyn's eyes widened in horror at the sight of a
stone block plummeting down toward them from the wall. For a split second, she was sure her heart
stopped; then she shouted and lunged forward, pushing David before her as she tried to get them out of
the way.
A grunt of pain slid from her lips as her shoulder was struck a glancing blow; then the three of them were
falling. Avelyn let go of Samson, hoping to keep from crushing the piglet while trying to avoid falling on
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David. Then she hit the ground with a crash that sent a jolt through her whole body.
"Are you all right, my lady?"
Younger and more used to tumbles, David was the first to recover and crawled over to peer at her.
Avelyn took a minute to catch her breath. Then she sat up, rubbed the pain from her shoulder and
managed a smile as Samson wiggled between them. "Aye. I am fine, thank you, David. Were you hurt?"
"Nay." He offered a hand to help her up, and Avelyn accepted it even though she actually got to her feet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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