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year of traveling from job to job, they were all pretty much Facebook friends  like a photo,
comment on a status not the kind of people she could call out of the blue and say,  Hey, can I come
stay with you for who knows how long, and, by the way, can you lend me the money to get there?
Thanks to Drew, no credit-card company would touch her with a ten-foot pole.
Even if she could scrape together an alternative, could she really leave Michael twisting in the
wind, when something as simple as pretending to be engaged for a couple weeks could protect his
She dropped her arms and sat a little straighter. No, she couldn t. Being a free bird didn t mean
flying off and leaving a stand-up guy in a precarious position. A short-term fake engagement was a
solution to a problem, not an emotional investment or a threat to her freedom. Granted, it might have
been a risky proposition for commitment-craving Chloe, but older, wiser Chloe had learned how to
glide through life without getting ensnared in emotional traps.
 What do you say, Chloe? Michael prompted.  You re the first woman I ve ever asked to wear my
ring. Don t start me off with a bad track record. His grin left her a little off-center. She looked down
at herself, then back at him.
 I wish I didn t feel so naked at the moment.
He slipped the ring on her shaking finger.  There. Now you re not naked.
 Perfect fit, she whispered. It was. A shiver scurried up her spine. The sparkling traditional
solitaire looked and felt more at home on her finger than her actual engagement ring ever had during
the entire time she d worn the thing.
 My grandmother had slim, gentle hands, like you. It looks good on you, he finished softly, almost
reluctantly, and Chloe relaxed a bit. He wasn t as unfazed about their  engagement as he seemed.
Why that realization made her feel better, she couldn t say, but there it was.
 Thank you. I ll take good care of it, and, rest assured, you ll get it back in the same beautiful
condition. I promise.
His grin reappeared.  I m not worried. Then he stood, and the play of sinew and muscle under
flesh momentarily emptied her mind.  Now that we re officially engaged, wanna move in with me?
 I um, yes, I guess I do.
 Awesome. He sat down next to her on the bed and glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. It
read 6:58.
 I have to be at the base by eight, he said,  which means I need to hit the shower and get going, but
I ll be back by four-thirty, so if there s anything you need help moving, just leave it until I m home,
She nodded.  Okay.
 Okay, he repeated, but he didn t move. He just stared at her.
She stared back.  You re sure you re comfortable with this?
 Yes. Absolutely. It s the least I can do.
Tiny flecks of gold glowed near the perimeter of his deep brown irises. How had she overlooked
such a hypnotic detail?  Well& thank you. Don t kiss him, her little voice warned, but her body
didn t listen. It leaned in until her lips brushed his and her breasts rested against his chest.
A wide palm cupped the back of her head and he deepened the kiss. Her hands landed on the steady
shelf of his shoulders and her happy nipples tightened to eager peaks. She shifted closer and rubbed
them over his pecs.
His low, rumbling growl cut through the otherwise-silent room. She trembled as his hand wandered
down her back and over her butt, and tucked one knee under her, preparing to crawl onto his lap when
the alarm buzzed. They broke apart, both breathing heavy, and then spoke at once.
 You re going to be late 
He reached over and hit the alarm. She scooped the T-shirt she d borrowed off the floor, turned it
right side out, and pulled it on. By the time she d swept it over her head, he was out of the bed.  I
wish I could top off my proposal with breakfast, but I ve got to shower and get going. Do you need to
use the bathroom first?
She stood, surprised by her wobbly legs, and walked over to stand opposite him.  No. I m good.
You go ahead. His shoulders seemed to take up all the space in the bedroom doorway.  Is it all right
if I use your phone to call my recruiter?
 Mi casa es su casa. He turned and then shot a grin over his shoulder before he walked into the
bathroom and shut the door.
The breath left her lungs in a shuddery exhale.  Right. She made her way out to the main part of the
apartment. Heavens, the extreme tidiness of the bedroom carried over into the rest of the rooms. Clean
surfaces, clean walls, no clutter. Someone would be getting his entire security deposit back at the end
of his tenancy. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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