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lot better in their mental health.
If you have a car you wouldn't drain the sump and fill it
up with water, would you, and say you couldn't possibly use
oil because it might come from the Earth somewhere and
hurt somebody underground. If you try to run your body on
food for which it is not designed you are being just the same
as a person who won't use oil in the sump of his car but
instead uses salt water.
If we are going to be logical and if we are going to say that
vegetarianism is good, then how about the practice of using
cut flowers in one's rooms? Plants are living entities, and
when you cut flowers you are cutting off the sex organs of
the plants and sticking them in vases, and actually humans
would be shockingly unhappy if their sex organs were cut off
and stuck in vases for some different race to enjoy.
Let me digress here to say that when I was in hospital I
received a very pleasant surprise. A group of very kind ladies
as far away as the Pacific coast of the U.S.A. had wired to a
florist in the city of Saint John to have some plants delivered
to me at the hospital. I appreciated it very much indeed.
The ladies did not give any address but I was able to locate
A personal choice I do not like cut flowers. It seems to
me such a pity to cut them off. Instead I very much prefer a
complete plant, here one has a living thing which is growing
and not just dying. I often think people who send great
bunches of cut flowers well, why not cut off the heads of
small children and impale them on sticks and put those in a
Have you ever thought of the state this old Earth of ours
is in? It's quite a mess, you know. Compare it to a garden.
Now, if the garden is properly maintained there are no
weeds or anything like that, all pests are kept in check, there
is no blight on the trees and the fruits are full and healthy.
Plants have to be thinned out, the sickly ones have to be
removed. Every so often fruit trees have to be pruned, some-
times there are grafts taken. It is necessary to carefully
supervise the garden and to prevent cross-pollination be-
tween undesirable species. If the garden is maintained as it
should be it becomes a thing of beauty.
But let the gardeners go away, let the garden remain idle
for a year or two. Weeds will grow and will choke and kill off
the more delicate plants, unchecked pests will come, and
blight will appear on the trees. No longer will there be
round, film fruits, but soon they will be shriveled, wrinkled
up with all sorts of brown spots. A sadly neglected garden is
a tragic sight.
Or let us go from the garden to livestock. Have you ever
seen wild ponies on a moor, or wild cattle where the grazing
is poor? They become stunted, some of them suffer from
rickets, many suffer from skin diseases. Generally they are a
pretty pathetic sight, little dwarf creatures, unkempt and
very, very wild.
Look at a well maintained stock yard. Here you see pedi-
gree animals carefully bred, faults bred out of them in fact.
You get fine pedigree horses or excellent pedigree cows; they
are healthy, they are large and substantial looking, they
appear glad to be alive, and you can look at them with
pleasure knowing that they are not going to start away from
you in fright. They know they are looked after.
Now think of the Earth, think of the people here. The
stock is getting poorer and poorer. People are becoming
more vicious, people are listening to more depraved  music
and watching ever more obscene pictures. Now it is no
longer an age when beauty and spirituality count, no longer
do people love good music, love good pictures, everything is
being torn down. You cannot get a great man without some
moronic clot trying to say unkind things about him. One of
the greatest men of modern times, Sir Winston Churchill,
probably saved the world from being under the cloud of
Communism, yet even Sir Winston Churchill had his de-
tractors just because of the spirit of evil which pervades the
atmosphere nowadays.
The garden which is the Earth which is our world has
gone to seed. Weeds grow apace. You can see them in the
streets with their long hair and dirty complexions, and if you
can't see them you can jolly well smell them yards off.
The races need pruning, stock needs replenishing and soon
will come the time when the Gardeners of the Earth come
back for their periodical inspection and find conditions here
to be quite intolerable.
Something will be done about it. Mankind will not be left
to go to bad seed as it has of late. There will come a time
when all the Races of Man will unite, when there will no
longer be black people and white people and yellow people
and red people; the whole world will be peopled by  the Race
of Tan , and that will be the predominating color tan.
With the coming of the Race of Tan there will be much
fresh life injected in the human race. People will again value
the better things of life, people will again value spiritual
things and when mankind gets spiritual to a sufficient degree
it will be possible for mankind once again to talk by tele-
pathy with  the Gods  the Gardeners of the Earth. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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